HOLLYWOOD, Fla. — There were flamingos. There were globes and old-fashioned suitcases. There was candy, and even a sparkly stiletto flower display.
These colorful adornments dotted the tables at the Global Travel Marketplace at the Diplomat Beach Resort here in early June. The tables were staffed by 140 travel advisors, urged by the Northstar Travel Group events team to treat the tables like their home office for the next two days. (GTM is owned by Northstar Travel Group, Travel Weekly’s parent company.)
But flamingoes, candy and other accouterments were forgotten as suppliers and advisors leaned over the tables, passing business cards and networking furiously, while a giant digital clock counted down in two corners of the ballroom.
This is the annual scene at the Global Travel Marketplace, where advisors, handpicked by the GTM team, are matched for a series of six-minute appointments with reps from travel companies.
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