1. Sable Antelope
Zimbabwe’s national animal can be found grazing in herds in the woodlands and savanna of Zimbabwe. Lean, graceful and powerful, the sable antelope is considered one of the most magnificent antelopes in the animal kingdom.
2. Lions
Prides of regal lions strut through Zimbabwe’s parks and reserves. Head on safari to find them stalking prey, at play or lazing in the sun – lion-spotting is one of the world’s most sought after wildlife experiences for a reason, they are simply breathtaking to behold.
3. Hippopotamus
Hippos are a common sight while cruising on Lake Kariba. Watch them wallowing on the shores and lurking beneath the surface of the water. Although they look quite harmless, hippos are actually quite territorial and can get fierce, so don’t get too close.
4. African Wild Dogs
Saved from the brink of extinction, the African wild dog is a recent conservation success